How to Make Friends and Stay Social During Retirement

Happy senior people eating together at home

As we grow older, many of us seek out ways to live a healthier life. From diet and exercise to staying on track with essential medical screenings, the basics of a positive lifestyle are talked about often. What isn’t as widely known is the importance of staying social and connected to your community.

Researchers say having an active circle of friends and loved ones helps you avoid isolation, which is linked to medical conditions ranging from diabetes to high blood pressure and depression. But those connections can be difficult to maintain as you age. For a variety of reasons, friends move away after retiring, and some, unfortunately, pass away.

So, what can you do to create a life that allows you to stay social and engaged? We have some suggestions we hope you will find useful.

Staying Engaged and Social as You Age
  • Realize that where you live during retirement matters greatly

While you may be reluctant to move after you retire, it’s important to realize how much where you live matters. If you are alone in a house with no close neighbors or friends, especially if you’ve limited or given up driving, it will be tough to prevent isolation and loneliness. By contrast, adults who make a move to a senior living community benefit from being surrounded by people who often have similar life experiences. Consider how much time you spend alone and whether there are steps you can take to change that.

  • Volunteer your time and talent for a nonprofit

Retirees are often a very sought-after part of a nonprofit organization’s volunteer base. Once they decide to join, they are known to be a reliable and committed part of an agency’s team. But it’s not a one-sided relationship. Seniors reap many benefits from their volunteer work. In fact, there is research that shows volunteers often stay healthier and enjoy longer lives—perhaps because volunteering helps seniors find purpose and meaning during retirement.

  • Make fitness activities part of daily life

Experts say getting 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week is linked to a healthier, longer life. Ideally, that time should include aerobic activity, stretching, and strength training. While you might want to spend some of that time working out alone, such as by taking a brisk walk or by riding a recumbent bike at home, engaging in fitness activities in a social setting offers an added benefit. When you join a local gym or YMCA, or take advantage of the Silver Sneakers program, which might be covered by your health insurance, you’ll have a chance to interact with people on a regular basis.

  • Take a class to learn a new hobby or skill

When you make learning new things a part of your life, you keep your brain challenged and stimulated. Some experts say that may help ward off or delay the development of Alzheimer’s disease. One way to do that is to take a class. It might be a weekly workshop to learn how to speak a different language or to try an artistic endeavor, such as pottery or drawing. The idea is to tackle something you don’t already know. You’ll also find it’s an easy way to meet new people.

Stay Active With a Mobile Monitoring Unit

One way to remain active while also staying safe is to invest in a mobile monitoring unit. These discreet emergency call systems allow the user to call for help with a simple press of a button from wherever they are. Call 1-844-203-5617 to learn more about these devices today!