Tips to Stay Warm When It’s Cold Out

As we head into the heart of winter once again, the days are getting colder. It can leave you wanting to hide indoors and hibernate until spring. Just as people often take time to winterize their house and car, there are also steps you can take to keep yourself warm when the mercury falls.
Here are a few ways you can stay warm indoors and out when the winter winds blow.
Tips to Avoid Shivering Your Way Through the Winter
- Invest in a towel warmer: Stepping out of the shower during cold months of the year can be a shock to the system. It can leave you feeling cold long after you’ve dried off. One way to make showers a more spa-like experience is to invest in a towel warmer for your bathroom. You might want to check out these towel warmer reviews before making a purchase. You can also place the clothes you intend to wear for the day on the rack to warm up before getting dressed each day.
- Dress in layers: Whether you’ll be spending the day inside, outside, or a combination of the two, dressing in layers can help you adjust to the temperature. Start with a set of thermals, both a top and a bottom. Not only do they help you stay warm when you venture out to run errands or shovel snow, they can also keep you from having to turn up the furnace inside. If you don’t feel like you need a full set of thermals to stay warm, another option is to wear leggings under your jeans or pants.
- Wear a hat: Many people skip this step when dressing for winter weather, and it’s a mistake. While you’ll lose heat through any part of your body that’s exposed to the elements, it’s your head that’s most often uncovered. By wearing a good quality cap, you can help your whole body feel warmer. Even better is to add a scarf around your neck.
- Buy hand warmers: Walking is a preferred form of exercise for people of all ages. If you find yourself skipping your daily walk because of the cold or are tired of using a treadmill indoors, consider buying a pair of hand warmers. It’s a trick often used by people who work outdoors, as well as nature lovers. They come in a variety of formats and price points, including some that are rechargeable for repeated use.
- Inspect your house: Before the worst of the winter weather arrives, it might be a good idea to conduct an energy audit of your home. It can help you determine if and where your home is inefficient, and what you can do to correct it. Hiring a professional is probably the best way to tackle this project. If you don’t want the expense or can’t find a professional in your area, this article offers some tips for conducting an energy audit yourself.
Winter Weather Preparation Tips for Seniors is another article you might find helpful in getting ready for cold days ahead. It has information on creating a winter safety kit, preparing your car for winter, and more.
Consider a Mobile Alert System for Winter Safety
If you would like the peace of mind that comes from knowing you can quickly summon help in the event of an emergency this winter, consider purchasing a mobile monitoring unit. These devices allow the user to call for help with the press of a button. Call 1-844-203-5617 to get started!
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